The development of the Open Charging Network is steered by community needs with the non-profit Share&Charge Foundation curating the development. For this purpose, transparency about the current feature set is required, which the following OCN maturity model (inspired by Gitlab) shall provide. The maturity model and the roadmap of the Open Charging Network development is discussed quarterly during the Share&Charge Foundation and Tech Call.

The maturity model is based on different categories (columns):

Maturity is indicated with different-sized black boxes or a heart:

(blue star) Planned: Requirements are getting defined

(blue star) Minimal: First implementations are tested

(blue star) Viable: Can be used in production

(blue star) Lovable: Functionality set is complete and used by community

A reference to the open source repositories is provided in paranthesis after the feature description.


Service interfaces

Community & Network tools

Release 1.0.0 (03.03.2020)

(blue star) OCPI 2.2 messaging (OCN-Node)

(blue star) Address book for message routing (OCN-Registry)

(blue star) Signed OCPI messages (OCN-Notary)

(blue star) White-/Blacklisting of OCPI parties (OCN-Node)

(blue star) OCPI 2.2 CPO & eMSP interface (OCN-Node)

(blue star) CPO & eMSP testing tools (OCN-Tools & OCN-Demo)

Release 1.1.0
(planned Q3 2020)

(blue star) OCN Service Permissions (OCN-Registry)

(blue star) OCPI 2.2 HubClientInfo Module (OCN-Node)

(blue star)Custom OCN / OCPI message (OCN-Node)

(blue star) OCN Service Interface (OCN- Node)

(blue star) OCN Service Interface testing tools (OCN-Demo)

On Roadmap

(blue star) Non-OCPI API connections (OCN-Bridge)

Ideas / Requirements / Addons

(blue star) ERC20 Token interface (Settlement & Token Bridge)

(blue star) OCPI 2.1.1 bridge

(blue star) OCN / OCPI 2.2 testkit

For a detailed list of all current issues across all open source components, please visit this page.