Open Charging Network Launch

Open Charging Network Launch

We are happy to annouce the Launch of the Open Charging Network. As of today, a first OCN Node is available. With this launch the following things have changed:

  1. The OCN Node, OCN Registry and OCN Notary are released in their version 1.0. You will find them in the Master Branch of their respective repositories.

  2. To get informed about the Production Network please visit this page: Production Network

  3. The Public Test Network was updated, which unfortunately means that all data and connections to the previous Public Test Environment are deleted. If you were connected to the Public Test Environment before you need to redo your connection to the network. Please follow the documentation about this here: Connecting a service and here: Public Test Network.

  4. Please visit the Maturity Model, Feature Roadmap and Releases page to learn more about future releases.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are looking forward to the future ahead.




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