Technical Documentation and Repository Overview

Technical Documentation and Repository Overview

The Open Charging Network technical documentation can be downloaded here.

All components of the Open Charging Network are developed fully open-source under the Apache 2.0 license.

The graphic below describes a typical set-up of eRoaming via the OCN. The Open Charging Network components are marked in blue. Additional resources like a Charge Point Operator Mock or an eMobility Service Provider Mock are also provided (e.g. for testing purposes).


Open Charging Network Repositories

These are the core OCN repositories:

  • ocn-node

    • Entry point to the network. A client which enables communication with other eRoaming parties using the Open Charge Point Interface protocol in version 2.2.

  • ocn-registry

    • Registry smart contracts which facilitates routing within the network and provides an identity layer.

  • ocn-notary

    • Enables message signing and verification on the OCN. In future versions of the OCN, requests will need to be signed, in order to verify their integrity. This library aids eRoaming parties in doing so. Currently targeting JavaScript and JVM only.

  • ocn-demo

    • Specifically to be used with the tutorial outlined in the ocn-node documentation. Allows developers to get a better understanding of how the OCN operates and provides an example (very basic) eRoaming party implementation. For a more fleshed-out implementation, check out the ocn-tools repository.

  • ocn-tools

    • Suite of tools to aid development of eRoaming services on top of the OCN. Currently provides a mock MSP and CPO which can be used to test an implementation against. Uses the OCN bridge as a dependency.

  • ocn-bridge

    • A development kit for eRoaming parties with no OCPI API. Manages the OCPI interfaces, connection to an OCN client and registration with the OCN registry. JavaScript only.

Other Repositories

These are interoperable with the OCN, but are not part of the core focus (i.e. optional modules):

  • settlement

    • Settle charge detail records in real time using any ERC20 token on an Ethereum network.

  • token-bridge

    • Transfer ERC20 tokens across Ethereum networks (i.e. Ethereum main chain to Kovan or Energy Web Chain).

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