Getting started

Getting started

The Open Charging Network is a decentralized network of Electric Vehicle Charging services (OCN Parties) connected to nodes of the network (OCN Nodes). Anyone can run a node themselves, or it connect to one remotely (think OCN-as-a-Service).


OCN Identity

To get started with the OCN, you first need to create your own OCN Identity. Please follow the steps outlined here: Creating and managing your OCN Identity


Join the network as Charge Point Operator or eMobility Service Provider

To connect your own EV charging service to an OCN Node (e.g. as a Charge Point Operator or an eMobility Service Provider), please follow the steps outlined here: Connecting a service


Run your own node of the network and let others connect to it

To operate your own OCN-Node, please follow the steps outlined here: Running a node


Offer a service to to OCPI-parties via the OCN Service Interface

To provide a service like settlement, payment, smart charging, etc. (OCN Service) to OCN Parties (Charge Point Operators, eMobility Service Providers, etc.), please follow the steps outlined here: OCN Service Interface


OCN Tutorial

To get to know to the functionalities and the roles of the network, a tutorial for setting up a local Open Charging Network with two OCN Nodes and some mock OCN Parties is provided here: OCN Tutorial


OCN Tech Webinar

In this video the Share&Charge Development Team explains how to run your own OCN Node and how to connect a service to it.


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