Legal Setup of eRoaming via the OCN

Legal Setup of eRoaming via the OCN

The OCN allows you to have simple, cost-efficient and secure technical connections to other EV charging players like Charge Point Operators and eMobility Service Providers. To run your EV charging service in production, you might need to enter different legal relationships. You might want to consider establishing the following agreements when setting up your charging service:

Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Your OCN Node Operator

The OCN Node is responsible for your technical connection to other parties on the OCN. If you are not running your own OCN Node, but using the OCN Node of a third party (OCN Node Operator), you might want to sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the OCN Node Operator. The agreement should make sure the OCN Node is hosted properly and has a high uptime.

eRoaming Agreement with Other Players on the OCN

Engaging with other parties on the Open Charging Network (like charge points or electric vehicles) requires in many cases a formal legal relationship between you and your counter party. An eRoaming Agreement stipulates the terms and conditions for the eRoaming connections between you and your counter party.


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