Keep your OCN Node up to date!

Keep your OCN Node up to date!

Every OCN Node is a crucial part of the overall Open Charging Network. As soon as you run your own node you are responsible for keeping it up to date. This helps to keep the Open Charging Network efficient and secure.

The Share&Charge Foundation is steering the development of all Open Charging Network Open Source components and will release regular updates. Please visit the Maturity Model, Feature Roadmap and Releases page to learn about planned future releases.

The release date of an update will be announced on the Developer Blog and on our Gitter community at least two weeks before it will come into effect (be pushed from its develop branch to the Master branch). It is planned to keep the components downwards compatible at least one version, but this may not always be possible. Please make sure that you update your OCN Node within 24 hours after the publication of a new release.





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